Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Managed care and children with chronic illness Case Study

Managed care and children with chronic illness - Case Study Example However, distinct criteria are utilized by managed care providers to distinct degrees of medical care requirements. The recent decades are marked by the attachment of great value to such groups by the states that are faced with high levels of medical needs with an intention of including the poor and the needy in the healthcare programs. Nevertheless, the provision of these services has been limited by certain factors, thus leading to the denial of these services to some children with chronic ailments despite their being needy. Nevertheless, managed care ahs a rationale of providing care services at reduced costs to the patients as well as treatment efficiency measures are of high levels (Perkin, Swift, and Newton 2007). The discussion in this paper is a case study to investigate and establish Managed care and children with chronic illness. The comprehension of this will be enhanced by the study of the scope of the managed care as well as the chronic illnesses that need the managed ca re. In addition, it is deemed crucial to establish the managed care providers as well as the rationale for such services when provided to patients. More crucial, an explanation will be provided for the criteria which children with chronic disease are covered or denied by managed care (HMO, MEDICAID). Managed care and the ideal providers; Managed care is a term utilized in the US in the description of a diversity of techniques that are put in use with the intention of decreasing the healthcare costs. They are also deemed as a rationale for the provision of benefits of health as well as the improvements of care quality provided by the practitioners. The systems in use are those that imply financing and delivering healthcare benefits and service to those that e enroll. Hence, they are often referred to as healthcare concepts and techniques that are managed by a responsible body. The intentions for the steer towards the utilization of such programs are inclusive of the reduction of the healthcare care costs, some of which are deemed unnecessary via the use of particular viable mechanisms. The provision of economic incentives for care providers as well as their patients, in order to provide room for their selection of programs that are less costly is a long term rationale for the managed care. Specific services review performance and increased cost sharing services for beneficiaries are also the major functions of the managed care. They are also deemed crucial in the control of admissions for patients as well as reducing the lengths f time that patients have to wait for treatments. A variety of settings is deemed vital in the provision of such services, which are inclusive of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) etc (Birenbaum, 1997). HMO is a managed care entity that provides managed care health coverage to its clients, and based in the United States. The fulfillment of such services offer is done via hospitals, doctors or any other form of medical practitioners, all of those that have gained contract with the organization. Its running is based on the 1973 Health Maintenance Organization Act, which requires that public or private organizations with 25 and

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Human Conceptualization of the State Essay Example for Free

The Human Conceptualization of the State Essay John Locke, in the Second Treatise of Civil Government, envisions a social contract in which individuals are naturally in a state of perfect freedom, in which they utilize objects as well as themselves as they desire; which is within the law of nature wherein all mankind was created, by God, equally. Therefore, all humans should be equal amongst fellow beings of the same species and rank without subordination or subjugation. However, Locke specifies that the exception is only when God designates one individual over another, giving that person undeniable right to be of the ruling â€Å"class†. This means that only persons, designated by God to be superior, are the sole individuals rightfully chosen to rule other beings of the same species. (Locke, Ch. II Sec. 4). In addition to this, he states that all people must treat others, of the same species and rank, with the same courtesies they would expect or desire for themselves (Locke, Ch. II Sec. 5). However, individuals are subject to uncontrollable liberty to make use of themselves as well as their possessions; in contrast, they are not at liberty to destroy themselves or a creature which they possess (Locke, Ch. II Sec. 6). Based on his ideal of the law of nature, all of mankind being equal, one is not at liberty to destroy another’s property, or cause damage to another’s health, liberty, or life. This is due to God’s ordinance over all human beings, in which they belong to him; as well as the fact that God is the only entity which can, or should, dictate the duration of one’s life (Locke, Ch. II Sec. 6). As a result, persons who violate the law of nature are subject to the punishment of that individual who was wronged; extending this not solely to punishment, but also reparation, in which the wrong doer must repay the plaintiff in some manner. In addition, being that when one person is wronged all of humanity is objectified; as a result, any persons whom wish to join the plaintiff’s punishment of the transgressor may do so. However, those persons may not join in the plaintiff’s reparation, as the plaintiff must be the only one to benefit (Locke, Ch. II Sec. 6, 7, 8). An established state, as Locke has put it, should not have the right to punish an individual who is alien to that nation state. However, mankind as a whole can and must punish those who violate the law of nature (Locke, Ch. II Sec.9). These punishments, in Locke’s opinion, should be death [including smaller infractions], due to the fact that any transgression against one man to another is not solely a violation of that singular person’s rights, but a violation of all of mankind’s rights. The goal of punishment being that it prevents others from committing similar crimes (Locke, Ch. II Sec. 11 12). Also, Locke feels that laws which are not based in the law of nature, but rather in self-interest and corruption, are common within the established countries’ governments (Locke, Ch.II Sec. 12). In the establishment of the state, Locke conveys the fact that [based on the law of nature] the rulers of said nations are not superior to the subjects which they rule over. A state is produced as a result of multiple men coming together in a desire to protect their property from the uncertain and cruel state of nature. This preservation results in a commonwealth wherein all of the individuals agree to make compromises to protect life, liberty, and property, resulting in the creation of a system of government and agreed upon laws. However, if a magistrate were to go beyond their duties given to them by the people, at which time they infringe upon others’ rights, they are committing tyranny; in response, the people must pursue anarchy to produce a ruler whom the populous benefits from (Lock, Ch. II Sec. 14; Ch. IV; Ch. VIII; Ch. IX Ch. XVIII). Thomas Hobbes, in the Leviathan, utilizes the metaphor of the state being an artificial human, and to fully understand all of mankind, we must only study one man [rather than all of humanity], which will bring the individual’s introspection to the clear origins of our thoughts, desires, and reasons (Hobbes, Intro.). Hobbes believed that what separated us, humans, from animals was our ability for thought, and through this process humans are able to look inward and discover the reasons behind the laws which humanity has set forth to govern ourselves (Hobbes, Ch. IV). Hobbes believed that the causation for the development of the state was that of fear, which saved human life, by allowing our species to thrive in a commonwealth which benefits all whom take part in it (Hobbes, Ch.XIII). The Law of Nature, which must be discovered through reason, describes a situation which can be paralleled to the â€Å"survival of the fittest† scenario. This is due to its condemnation of destruction of human life, but self-preservation as the ultimate law which governs all of humanity’s actions; though the faculty which Hobbes utilizes, aforementioned fear, can only be solaced through a pursuit of peace, both internally as well as externally (Hobbes, Ch. XIV). This pursuit led humans to seek out an establishment which could ease their fears, which ensued with the eventual conceptualization of the state. On the other hand, Hobbes discusses that though human beings must pursue peace, as required by the laws of nature, our species is also victim to the natural hunger for power, which endeavors to destroy the foundations of a cohesive, effective state (Hobbes, Ch.XVII). Works Cited Hobbes, Thomas. 1660 The Leviathan. Oregon State University. N. p. , n. d. Web. 22 Jan 2013. http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/phl302/texts/hobbes/leviathan-contents. html. Locke, John. 1690 The Second Treatise of Civil Government. Oregon State University. N. p. , n. d. Web. 22 Jan 2013. http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/phl302/texts/locke/locke2/2nd-contents. html.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Changes in Art History with Emphasis on the Mid-Twentieth Century Essay

Changes in Art History with Emphasis on the Mid-Twentieth Century Art during the mid-twentieth century contained some of the most important changes art history. These explosive times were counter-balanced with explosive popular culture. More historical events, abrupt changes, and turbulence occurred from the end of World War II until the height of the Vietnam War than in any time period. Before this time, styles of art had lasted generations. In the 1960’s numerous important art movements were happening at the same time. There were variations on variations, movements inside of other movements. Therefore, because of the amount of independent and integrated pieces of movements and styles, a lot can be missed in a short paper. The amount that happened in these twenty-five years is enough to fill volumes, and so, this is just a brief scraping off the top of what during these times—the most tumultuous times in American History. INTRODUCTION: The 1940’s through the 1960’s were not only some of the most socially and politically volatile times in American History, but were the catalyst for the numerous changes in which occurred in American Popular culture during these and following years. Instead of experiencing the trauma which resulted after World War I’s end, post-World War II United States returned fairly easily back to everyday life. Although there were some problems converting from a wartime to a peacetime economy in the late 1940’s, Americans took on the task and entered the 1950’s on a very auspicious high note. During the time period after World War II, the United States experienced many changes. Technology was abundant and the rate at which new inventions, industries and technologies came about was at a rate never seen before. From a television in every home to the first computers and ultimately space flight, these two decades after World War II were crowded with advancements. S ome of the most dramatic changes came in the field of art. What was once a single, slow road of popular culture advancement branched off into thousands of smaller, faster changing roads. Some of these â€Å"roads†, which can be seen as changing styles, or movements, in art, whipped Americans through a roller coaster of change in what they saw around them. The End of World War II: The major art movement taking place in the United States directly after World War II was... ...ther in their concept. So as we start in a new millenium, we have to ask ourselves what will be the next great movement in art? Could there be anything again as influential as the times that existed here? Only time will tell. Bibliography: Cagle, Van M., Reconstructing Pop/Subculture: Art Rock and Andy Warhol, New York: Sage Publications, 1995 Yapp, Nick, Ed. The 1950s, Chicago: Konemann, 1998 Yapp, Nick, Ed. The 1960s, Chicago: Konemann, 1998 Reed, T.V., American Popular Culture. (online) Available:, February 17, 2000 Seitz, William C., Art in the Age of Aquarius, 1955-1970, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992 Alloway, Lawrence. American Pop Art, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974 Dynamic Movements. (online) Available: Http:// Jansen, H.W., The History of Art, New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1997, p. 914-915 Warhol’s Reflection of the Social Times. (online) Available: Http:// Marcel Duchamp. (online) Available:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Global Cooperation Essay

There is a Chinese proverb that says, â€Å"One chopstick is easily broken, but ten pillars chopsticks firmly hold dough.† This reveals a simple rule that unity is much stronger than individuals, and if you do not want to be beaten, you should unite and cooperate against enemies together. This proverb can also be used internationally. Global cooperation is important to maintain economy, and improve safety, peace and the environment. Different countries’ economies are linked together, and influence one another in many ways. Hence, in the globalized economies people always worry more about the economic growth and crisis. Trade is the activity of exchanging goods and services. There are many trades, for example, to exchange fish for beef or to pay a taxi for its driving. One of the economic principles is that trade makes everyone better off. International trade is essential in these days because each country cannot provide the product it needs to serve the whole society, or it will cost more opportunity cost such as time and money in some productions. In this case, global trade is required. According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), 2013 annual exports valued $18,784,000 million in total merchandise, and valued $4,623,710 million in commercial services (2014). These massive amounts of numbers show the significant value of international trade in the world. China is the largest exporter, and had valued $2,209,626.0 million, which is 11.7 percent of total world merchandises trade in 2013. Also, it had become the world second large economy according to WTO Database. However, it was only exporting $5,790 million goods and 1.0 percent of total world trade in 1973 (WTO, 2014). China has an unbelievable growth, and the biggest reason is that China started to switch the closed economy into more tradable market economy and trade much freely with other countries since 1978 (Chinese economic reform). The international trade provides more job opportunities, attracts investments and brings advanced technology, and these are the basic elements  in order to gain economic growth. Unfortunately, the drawback of collapsing a big international bank Lehman Brothers is unimaginable – crash the global financial system, credit crunch, and economic regression. Because of the Asian Crisis in 1997, the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) had been more careful against crises such as no risky loans and strengthened nations cooperation. China decided to set up a $ 10 billion total fund in order to support China-ASEAN work and offer $39.7 million aid to help Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar in financial troubles (Yan, W. 2009). International cooperation is needed for people’s safety such as natural disasters. Disasters are extremely powerful and destroy millions of lives. According to America, the Indonesia tsunami, which is caused by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in the sea near Banda Aceh in 2004 had killed over 150 hundred of people and created millions of homeless among Southern Asia countries and Africa. However, the number was continuously increasing due to injury and disease. Governments provided about $2 billion to support those countries in the disaster. This was a global cooperation – many organizations such as Catholic Relief Services, the Red Cross, Oxfam, Caritas and Doctors Without Borders helped to save lives from diseases and water pollution. Because the transportations are damaged the supplies were delivered by helicopters and ships, which were supported by United State Military. Meanwhile, individuals’ donations around the world were greater than the governments’ total amounts, and these would be used in future recovery (2005). These international saving was successful and helped for countless people. Peace is a big issue for people because there are still numerous shouting and wars going on. In addition, the most thing that cause these dangerous issues are weapons. Weapons are made to protect people, however, they have become more and more powerful especially the nuclear weapons. The total nuclear weapons in the world are enough to destroy the earth! Also the negative effect of nuclear bombs not only it can destroy a city immediately but also spread the radiation, which has decades, even different generation influences after exposure. Since 1945, the statistics show that the total war and violent has diminished. However, this kind of weapon is still being produced in many nations. Safety of citizens is questing because of threats of terrorisms. They can buy or make nuclear weapons and expose â€Å"dirty bombs† (Lifton, R. 2013). In this case, terrorists  should be stopped; people should be protected and no nuclear weapons’ threat. Non-nuclear weapons are very important and hard to achieve. In addition, it needs global cooperation – every government does their duty to increase the world level of peace. Most importantly, the global environment affects all lives on the earth, and countries should avoid ruining it. First is the global warming issue, it is a big issue that is caused by human activities and has the additional effect of climate change. In 2009, United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen had failed to make a worldwide agreement about emissions reduction (Nordhaus, D. 2011). This is because the disagreement about the distribution of reducing greenhouse gases and its costs. The decrease in temperature is essential because it would affect everyone on the earth. Nevertheless, without governments’ cooperation this goal cannot be achieved efficiently because different places and regions have different situations and meet variable difficulties. For example, if the cost for imposing a high carbon dioxide emissions tax will generate the decline of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the influence of economy may even promotes a financial crisis, a government will not choose to do that. Also, when a country with smaller population but higher per person green house gas emission but another nation which has the opposite situation, their will be conflict when ask them to produce the same amount of emission. These are complicated and hard to negotiate an agreement. However, as the future cost for climate change is too high – decrease in general’s life span and quality, international cooperation cannot stop and require to be done more successfully. Besides, climate change also affects other organisms such as animals and plants. Human activities such as travelling may cause many animals and plants in danger. Decrease in animals and plants will damage the ecological chain even influence the whole planet. To protect those animals and plants, the Washington Conversation has established in1975, July 1st and called the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and it goal is to ensure the safety of wild species not dangerous because of international trade (CITES). Because the trade is worldwide and every country will affect neighboring countries, CITES needs to make sure every country does their work to stop threat other species in other countries. In general, many things include economy, human lives and other species are interacting with  each individual and country. They will promote different but widespread effects. Because of these facts it needs global cooperation to enhance the quality and safety in these fields. Governments should keep improving international action in order to provide a better world for all of lives. References Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Crash course. (2013, Sep 7). The Economist. International trade and market access data. (2014). World Trade Organization (WTO). Lifton, R. (2013). The dimensions of contemporary war and violence: How to reclaim humanity from a continuing revolution in the technology of killing. Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists, 69(4), 9-17. Nordhaus, D. (2011). The architecture of climate economics: Designing a global agreement on global warming. Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists, 67(1), 9-18. Tsunami. (2005). America. Yan, W. (2009, April 23). Crisis-Driven cooperation. Beijing Review.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Newtons Law Of Motion Computer Science Essay

In this assignment, I will larn about the result two that is Newton ‘s jurisprudence and harmonic oscillation. Newton ‘s jurisprudence can be divide by three types that is 1st jurisprudence, 2nd jurisprudence and 3rd jurisprudence. It is teach about the gesture in our existent life. Thus, harmonic oscillation can be divided by three types that are pendulum oscillation, damped oscillation and mechanic oscillation. All of these oscillation are utile in our life especial is use in different type of mechanics.Question OneResearch on the Newton ‘s Laws of gesture, and do a study that provide item account and illustrations on Newton ‘s 3 Torahs of gesture. You report should include relevant and utile expression.AnswerNewton ‘s jurisprudence of gesture can be divided by three types that is 1st jurisprudence, 2nd jurisprudence and 3rd jurisprudence and it is jurisprudence of gravitation. The three Torahs are simple and reasonable. The first jurisprudence provinces that a force must be applied to an object in order to alter its speed. When the object ‘s speed is altering that average it is speed uping, which implies a relationship between force and acceleration. The 2nd jurisprudence, the acceration of an object is straight relative to the net force moving on it and is reciprocally relative to its mass. The way of the acceleration is in the way of the acceleration is in the way of the net force moving on the object. Finally, the 3rd Torahs, whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite way.ForcesA force is normally imagined as a push or a pull on some object, possibly quickly, as when we hit a tennis ball with a racket. ( see figure 1.0 ) . We can hit the ball at different velocities and direct it ionto different parts of the oppositions ; s tribunal. This mean that we can command the magnitude of the applied force and alos its way, so force is a vector measure, merely like speed and acceleration. Figure 1.0: Tennis title-holder Rafael Nadal strikes the ball with his racket, using a force and directing the ball into the unfastened portion of the tribunal. Figure 1.1: Examples of forces applied to assorted objects. In each instance, a force acts on the object surrounded by the dotted lines. Something in the environment external to the boxed country exerts the force.Newton ‘s 1st jurisprudenceNewton ‘s 1st jurisprudence of gesture provinces that if a organic structure is at remainder it will stay at the remainder and if a organic structure is traveling in a consecutive line with unvarying speed will maintain traveling unless an external force is acted upon. For illustration, see a book lying on a tabular array. Obviously, the book remains at remainder if left entirely. Now imagine forcing the book with a horizontal force great plenty to get the better of the force of clash between the book and the tabular array, puting the book in gesture. Because the magnitude of the applied force exceeds the magnitude of the clash force, the book to a halt. Now imagine the book across a smooth floor. The book once more comes to rest one time the force is no longer applied, but non every bit rapidly as earlier. Finally, if the book is traveling on a horizontal frictionless surface, it continues to travel in a consecutive line with changeless speed until it hits a wall or some other obstructor. However, an object moving on a frictionless surface, it ‘s non the nature of an object to halt, one time set in gesture, but instead to continues in its original province of gesture. This attack was subsequently formalized as Newton ‘s first jurisprudence of gesture: An object moves with a speed that is changeless in magnitude and way, unless acted on by a nonzero net force. For illustration: In the figure 1.2, the twine is supplying centripetal force to travel the ball in a circle around 3600. If sudden the twine was break, the ball will travel off in a consecutive line and the gesture in the absence of the restraining force. This illustration is non hold other net forces are moving, such as horizontal gesture on a frictionless surface. Figure 1.2InactivenessInertia is the reluctance of an object to alter its province of gesture. This means if an object is at remainder it will stay at remainder or if it ‘s traveling it will maintain traveling in a consecutive line with unvarying speed. Force is needed to get the better of inactiveness.For illustrationIn figure 1.3, it is an experiment to turn out the construct of inactiveness. In experiments utilizing a brace of inclined planes confronting each other, Galileo observed that a ball would up the opposite plane to the same tallness and turn over down one plane. If smooth surface are used, the ball is roll up to the opposite plane and return to the original tallness. When it is get downing to turn over down the ball on the degree topographic point, it is will return the ball at the same tallness from original point. Figure 1.3 If the opposite slope were elevated at about a 0 grade angle, so the ball will be roll in an attempt to make the original tallness that is show in the figure 1.4. Figure 1.4: If a ball stops when it attains its original tallness, so this ball would ne'er halt. It would turn over everlastingly if clash were absent.Other illustrationFigure 1.5: Harmonizing to Newton ‘s 1st jurisprudence, a bikes gesture was n't alteration until same force, such as braking makes it alteration.Newton 2nd jurisprudenceNewton ‘s first jurisprudence explains what happens to an object that has no net force moving on it. The object either remains at remainder or continues traveling in a consecutive line with changeless velocity. Newton ‘s 2nd jurisprudence is the acceleration of an object is straight relative to the net force moving on it and is reciprocally relative to its mass. The way of the acceleration is in the way of the acceleration is in the way of the acceleration is in the way of the net force moving on the object. Imagine forcing a block of ice across a frictionless horizontal surface. When you exert some horizontal force on the block, it moves with an acceleration of the 2m/s2. If you apply a force twice every bit big, the acceleration doubles to 4m/s2. Pushing three times as difficult triples the acceleration, and so on. From such observations, we conclude that the acceleration of an object is straight relative to the net force moving on it. Mass besides affects acceleration. Suppose you stack indistinguishable block of ice on top of each other while forcing the stack with changeless force. If the force applied to one block produces an acceleration of 2m/s2, so the acceleration drops to half that value, 1 m/s2, When 2 blocks are pushed, to one-third the initial value. When three block is pushed, and so on. We conclude that the acceleration of an object is reciprocally relative to its mass. These observations are summarized in Newton ‘s 2nd jurisprudence: The acceleration of an object is straight relative to the net force moving on it and reciprocally relative to its mass.Unit of measurements of Force and MassThe SI unit of force is the Newton. When 1 Newton of force Acts of the Apostless on an object that has a mass of 1 kilograms, it produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2 in the object. From this definition and Newton ‘s 2nd jurisprudence, we can see that the Newton can be expressed in footings of the cardinal units of mass, length and clip. 1 N = 1 kg.m/s2 A force is a push or a pull. Hence a force can alter the size, form, and province of remainder or gesture, way of gesture and velocity / speed. The symbol for force is F and the S.I. unit is Newton ( N ) . An object of mass m is subjected to a force F, its speed alterations from U to V in clip t. The above status can be stated as: F = Where a = is acceleration, therefore F = mom.For illustrationFigure 1.6: An airboat. An airboat with mass 3.50x102Kg, including riders, has an engine that produces a net horizontal force of 7.70x102N, after accounting for forces of opposition ( see figure 1.6 ) . ( a ) Find the acceleration of the airboat. ( B ) Get downing from remainder, how long does it take the airboat to make a velocity of 12.0m/s2? ( degree Celsius ) After making this velocity, the pilot turns off the engine and impetuss to a Michigan over distance of 50.0m. Find the opposition force, presuming it ‘s changeless.Solution( a ) Find the acceleration of the airboat. Apply Newton ‘s 2nd jurisprudence and work out for the acceleration: Fnet = mom a = = = 2.20m/s2 ( B ) Find the clip necessary to make a velocity of 12.0m/s. Use the kinematics velocity equation: If t = 5.45s V = at + V0 = ( 2.20m/s2 ) ( 5.45 ) = 12.0m/s ( degree Celsius ) Find the opposition force after the engine is turned off. Using kinematics, find the net acceleration due to resistance forces V2 – = 2a I†x 0 – ( 12.0m/s ) 2 = 2a ( 50.0m ) = -12 / 100 = -0.12m/s2 Substitute the acceleration into Newton ‘s 2nd jurisprudence, happening the opposition force: Fresistance= mom = ( 3.50 X 102kg ) ( -144m/s2 ) = -504NImpulse and Impulsive ForceThe force, which acts during a short minute during a hit, is called Impulsive Force. Impulse is defined as the alteration of impulse, so Impulse = MV – Mu, since F = , therefore impulse can be written as: Impulsive force is Force = Impulse/Time. Unit is Newton ( N ) .The applications of unprompted forceIn existent life we tend to diminish the consequence of the unprompted force by cut downing the clip taken during hit.Gravitational force or gravitationGravity exists due to the Earth ‘s mass and it is Acts of the Apostless towards the centre of Earth. Object falling under the influence of gravitation will see free autumn. Assuming no other force acts upon it. Object sing free autumn will fall with acceleration ; gravitation has an approximative value of 10m/s2. The gravitative force moving on any object on Earth can be expressed as F=mg. This is besides every bit weight.For illustrationFind the gravitative force exerted by the Sun on a 79.0kg adult male located on Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 1.50 Ten 1011 m, and the Sun ‘s mass is 1.99 Ten 1030kg.SolutionFsun = G = ( 6.67 X 10-11 Kg-1m3s2 ) = 0.413NNewton ‘s 3rd jurisprudenceThe action of one organic structure moving upon another organic structure tends to alter the gesture of the organic structure acted upon. This action is called a force. Because a force has both magnitude and way, it is a vector measure, and the old treatment on vector notation applies. Newton ‘s 3rd jurisprudence is the sum of force which you inflict upon on others will hold the same repelling force that act on you every bit good. Force is exerted on an object when it comes into contact with some other object. See the undertaking of driving a nail into a block of wood, for illustration, as illustrated in the figure 1.7 ( a ) . To speed up the nail and drive it into the block, the cock must exercise a net force on the nail. Newton is a individual stray force ( such as the force exerted by the cock on the nail ) could n't be. Alternatively, forces in nature ever exist in braces. Harmonizing to Newton, as the nail is driven into the block by the force exerted by the cock, the cock is slowed down and stopped by the force exerted by the nail. Newton described such mated forces with his 3rd jurisprudence: Whenever one object exerts a force on a 2nd object, the 2nd exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. This jurisprudence, which is illustrated in figure 1.7 ( B ) , province that a individual stray force ca n't be. The force F12 exerted by object 1 on object 2 is sometimes called the action force, and the force F12 exerted by object 2 on object 1 is called the reaction force. In world, either, either force can be labeled the action or reaction force. The action force is equal in magnitude to the reaction force and antonym in way. In all instances, the action and reaction forces act on different objects. For illustration, the force moving on a freely falling missile is the force exerted by Earth on the missile, Fg, and the magnitude of this force is its weight milligram. The reaction to coerce Fg is the force exerted by the missile on Earth, Fg = -Fg. The reaction force Fg must speed up the Earth towards the missile, merely as the action force Fg accelerates the missile towards the Earth. Because the Earth has such a big mass and its acceleration due to this reaction forces is negligibly little. Figure 1.7: Newton ‘s 3rd jurisprudence. ( a ) The force exerted by the cock on the nail is equal in magnitude and antonym in way to the force exerted by the nail on the cock. ( B ) The force F12 exerted by object 1 on object 2 is equal in magnitude and antonym in way to the force F21 exerted by object 2 on object 1. Newton ‘s 3rd jurisprudence invariably affects our activities in mundane life. Without it, no motive power of any sort would be possible, whether on pes, on a bike, or in a motorised vehicle. When walking, we exert a frictional force against the land. The reaction force of the land against our pes propels us frontward. In the same manner, the tired on a bike exert a frictional force against the land, and the reaction of the land pushes the bike frontward. This is called clash plays a big function in such reaction forces. Figure 1.8: In the figure 1.8, when a force pushes on an object, the object pushes back in the opposite way. The force of the forcing back is called the reaction force. This jurisprudence explains why we can travel a dinghy in H2O. The H2O pushes back on the oar every bit much as the oar pushes on the H2O, which moves the boat. The jurisprudence besides explains why the pull of gravitation does n't do a chair clang through the floor ; the floor pushes back plenty to countervail gravitation. When you hit a baseball, the chiropteran pushes on the ball, but the ball besides on the chiropteran. Figure 1.9Question TwoResearch and exemplify the assorted features of â€Å" Damped Oscillations † , your reply should besides include graphical show of these characteristic.AnswerIn the existent life, the vibrating gesture can be taken topographic point in ideal systems that are hovering indefinitely under the action of a additive restoring force. In many realistic system, resistive forces, such as clash, are present and retard the gesture of the system. Consequently, the mechanical energy of the system diminishes in clip, and the gesture is described as a damped oscillation. Therefore, in all existent mechanical systems, forces of clash retard the gesture, so the systems do n't hover indefinitely. The clash reduces the mechanical energy of the system as clip base on ballss, and the gesture is said to be damped. In the figure 2.0, daze absorbers in cars are one practical application of damped gesture. A daze absorber consists of a Piston traveling through a liquid such as oil. The upper portion of the daze absorber is steadfastly attached to the organic structure of the auto. When the auto travels over a bump in the route, holes in the Piston let it to travel up and down in the fluid in a damped manner. ( B ) Figure 2.0: ( a ) Angstrom daze absorber consists of a Piston hovering in a chamber filled with oil. As the Piston oscillates, the oil is squeezed through holes between the Piston and the chamber, doing a damping of the Piston ‘s oscillations. ( B ) One type of automotive suspension system, in which a daze absorber is placed inside a spiral spring at each wheel. Damped gesture varies with the fluid used. For illustration, if the fluid has a comparatively low viscousness, the vibrating gesture is preserved but the amplitude of quiver lessenings in clip and the gesture finally ceases. This procedure is known as under damped oscillation. The place vs. clip curve for an object undergoing such as oscillation appears in active figure 2.1. In the figure 2.2 compares three types of damped gesture, with curve ( a ) stand foring underdamped oscillation. If the fluid viscousness is increased, the object return quickly to equilibrium after it is released and does n't hover. In this instance the system is said to be critically damped, and is shown as curve ( B ) in the figure 2.2. The Piston return to the equilibrium place in the shortest clip possible without one time overshooting the equilibrium place. If the viscousness is greater still, the system is said to be overdamped. In this instance the Piston returns to equilibrium without of all time go thro ughing through the equilibrium point, but the clip required to make equilibrium is greater than in critical damping. As illustrated by curve ( degree Celsius ) in figure 2.2. Active figure 2.1: A graph of displacement versus clip for an under damped oscillator. Note the lessening in amplitude with clip. Figure 2.2: Plots of displacement versus clip for ( a ) an under damped oscillator, ( B ) a critically damped oscillator, and ( degree Celsius ) an overdamped oscillator. Damped oscillation is relative to the speed of the object and Acts of the Apostless in the way opposite that of the object ‘s speed relation to the medium. This type of force is frequently observed when an object is hovering easy in air, for case, because the resistive force can be expressed as R = -bv, where B is a changeless related to the strength of the resistive force, and the reconstructing force exerted on the system is -kx, Newton ‘s 2nd jurisprudence gives us = -kx – bv = soap -kx – B = m ~ ( I ) The solution of this differential equation requires mathematics that may non yet be familiar to you, so it will merely be started without cogent evidence. When the parametric quantities of the system are such that B & lt ; so that the resistive force is little, the solution to equation is Ten = ( Ae- ( b/2m ) T ) cos ( wt + ) ~ ( two ) Where the angular frequence of the gesture is = ~ ( three ) The object suspended from the spring experience both a force from the spring and a resistive force from the environing liquid. Active figure 2.1 shows the place as a map of clip for such a damped oscillator. We see that when the resistive force is comparatively little, the oscillating character of the gesture is preserved but the amplitude of quiver lessenings in clip and the gesture finally creases, this system is known as an underdamped oscillator. The dotted blue lines in active figure 2.1, which form the envelope of the oscillatory curve, represent the exponential factor that appears in equation ( two ) . The exponential factor shows that the amplitude decays exponentially with clip. It is convenient to show the angular frequence of quiver of a damped system ( three ) in the signifier=Where = a?sk/m represents the angular frequence of oscillation in the absence of a resistive force ( the undamped oscillator ) . In other words, when b=o, the resistive force is zero and the system oscillates with angular frequence, called the natural frequence. As the magnitude of the resistive force additions, the oscillations dampen more quickly. When B reaches a critical value bc, so that bc/2m = , the system does non hover and is said to be critically damped. In this instance, it returns to equilibrium in an exponential mode with clip, as in figure 2.2. Question Three: Simple Harmonic Motion ( SHM ) is a dynamical system typified by the gesture of a mass on a spring when it is capable to the additive elastic reconstructing force given by Hooke ‘s Law. The gesture is sinusoidal in clip and demonstrates a individual resonant frequence. What is the relationship between the tenseness and weight in the system? What is Hooke ‘s jurisprudence when applied to the system?AnswerOscillation of gesture is has one set of equations can be used to depict and foretell the motion of any object whose gesture is simple harmonic. The gesture of a vibrating object is simple harmonic if its acceleration is relative to its supplanting and its acceleration and supplanting are in opposite way. The 2nd slug point mean that are acceleration, and hence the end point force, ever acts towards the equilibrium place, where the supplanting is zero. Common illustrations of simple harmonic gesture include the oscillations of a simple pendulum and those of a mass suspended vertically on a spring. The diagram shows the size of the acceleration of a simple pendulum and a mass on a spring when they are given a little supplanting, x, from the equilibrium place. Figure 3.0 In the figure 3.0, the numerical value of the acceleration is equal to a changeless multiplied by the supplanting, demoing that acceleration is relative to displacement. Then, the negative value of the acceleration shows that it is in the opposite way to the supplanting, since acceleration and supplanting are both vector measures.Simple harmonic in a springIf you hang a mass from a spring, the mass will stretch the spring a certain sum and so come to rest. It is established when the pull of the spring upward on the mass is equal to the pull of the force of gravitation downward on the mass. The system, spring and mass, is said to be in equilibrium when that status is met. If the mass is up or down from the equilibrium place and release it, the spring will undergo simple harmonic gesture caused by a force moving to reconstruct the vibrating mass back to the equilibrium place. That force is called the restoring force and it is straight relative to magnitude of the supplanting and is directed opposite the supplanting. The necessary status for simple harmonic gesture is that a reconstructing force exists that meets the conditions stated symbolically as Fr = -kx, where K is the invariable of proportionality and ten is the supplanting from the equilibrium place. The subtraction mark, as usual, indicates that Fr has a way opposite that of ten.For illustrationFigure 3.1 The grouch rotates with angular speed w. Then, the slide will skid between P1 and P. V2 = W2 ( P2-X2 ) P = Amplitude or maximal point. V= Velocity of the skidder. Ten = Distance from centre point due to speed, V. W = Angular speed of grouch. = 2Iˆf degree Fahrenheit = = 1/T a = -w2xSimple pendulumA simple pendulum is merely a heavy atom suspended from one terminal of an nonextensile, weightless twine whose other terminal in fixed in a stiff support, this point being referred to as the point of suspension of the pendulum. Obviously, it is merely impossible to obtain such an idealised simple pendulum. In existent pattern, we take a little and heavy spherical British shilling tied to a long and all right silk yarn, the other terminal of which passes through a split cork firmly clamped in a suited base, the length ( a„â€Å" ) of the pendulum being measured from the point of suspension to the Centre of mass of the British shilling. In the figure 3.2, allow S be the point of suspension of the pendulum and 0, the mean or equilibrium place of the British shilling. On taking the British shilling a small to one side and so gently let go ofing it, the pendulum starts hovering about its average place, as indicated by the flecked lines. At any given blink of an eye, allow the supplanting of the pendulum from its average place SO into the place SA is I? . Then, the weight milligram of the British shilling, moving vertically downwards, exerts a torsion or minute – mg/sin I? about the point of suspension, be givening to convey it back to its average place, the negative mark of the torsion bespeaking that it is oppositely straight to the supplanting ( I? ) . Figure 3.2 If d2I?/dt2 be the acceleration of the British shilling, towards 0, and I its M.I about the point of suspension ( S ) , the minute of the force or the torsion moving on the bobn is besides equal to I.d2I?/dt2. I = -mga„â€Å"sinI? If I? is little, the amplitude of oscillation be little, we may pretermit all other footings except the first and take wickedness I? = I? . I = -mga„â€Å"I? , Whence, = Since M.I of the British shilling about the point of suspension ( S ) is ma„â€Å"2. We have = = = A µI? , Where = A µ The acceleration of the British shilling is therefore relative to its angular supplanting I? and is directed towards its average place 0. The pendulum therefore executes a simple harmonic gesture and its clip period is given by T = 2Iˆ = 2Iˆ = 2Iˆ It being clearly understood that the amplitude of the pendulum is little. The supplanting here being angular, alternatively of additive, it is evidently an illustration of an angular simple harmonic gesture.Hooke ‘s jurisprudenceVibration gesture is an object attached to a spring. We assume the object moves on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the spring is stretched or compressed a little distance ten from its equilibrium place and so released, it exerts a force on the object as shown in figure 3.3. From experiment the spring force is found to obey the equation F = -kx ~ ( four ) Where ten is the supplanting of the object from its equilibrium place ( x=0 ) and K is a positive invariable called the spring invariable. This force jurisprudence for springs is known as Hooke ‘s jurisprudence. The value of K is a step of the stiffness of the spring. Stiff springs have big K value, and soft springs have little K value. In the equation ( four ) , the negative mark mean that the force exerted by the spring is ever directed opposite the supplanting of the object. When the object is to the right of the equilibrium place, as in figure 3.3 ( a ) , x is positive and F is negative. This means that force is the negative way, to the left. When the object is to the left of equilibrium place, as in figure 3.3 ( degree Celsius ) , x is negative and F is positive, bespeaking that the way the force is to the right. Of class, when ten = 0, as in figure 3.3 ( B ) , the spring is unstretched and F =0. Because the spring force ever acts toward the equilibrium place, it is some clip called a restoring force. A reconstructing force ever pushes or pulls the object toward the equilibrium place. The procedure is so repeated, and the object continues to hover back and Forth over the same way. This type of gesture is called simple harmonic gesture. Simple harmonic gesture occurs when the net force along the way of gesture obeys Hooke ‘s jurisprudence – When the net force is relative to the supplanting from the equilibrium point and is ever directed toward the equilibrium point. Figure 3.3: The force exerted by a spring on an object varies with the supplanting of the object from the equilibrium place, x=0. ( a ) When ten is positive ( the spring is stretched ) . ( B ) When ten is zero ( the spring is unstretched ) , the spring force is zero, ( degree Celsius ) When ten is negative ( the spring is compressed ) , the spring force is to the right.DecisionAs my decision, Newton ‘s jurisprudence was a really utile in presents because it is can utilize the 3 type of jurisprudence to forestall any accidents in now coevals. First ‘s jurisprudence is provinces that a force must be applied to an object in order to alter its speed. Second ‘s jurisprudence is acceration of an object is straight relative to the net force moving on it and is reciprocally relative to its mass. Third ‘s jurisprudence is whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite way. Second, harmonic oscillation is a type of forced and damped oscillation that is amplitude of a existent vacillation pendulum or hovering spring lessening easy with clip until the oscillation stop wholly. This decay of amplitude as a map of clip is called damping.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Fact in Fiction The Top 20 Harry Potter SpellsDeciphered

Fact in Fiction The Top 20 Harry Potter SpellsDeciphered With the release of the last Harry Potter book,  Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Potterheads everywhere can rejoice in one final installation of this epic tale. We used this as a chance to revisit some of the most iconic words uttered throughout the series- spells, charms, and curses- and find the root of their meaning. 1. Expecto Patronum A charm that creates a Patronus.  Expecto means I await in Latin, and Patronum means patron. We can surmise that Patronus, Latin for guardian, is what is being awaited. Expecto Patronum = I await a guardian. 2. Accio A charm that summons an object.  Accio simply means summon in Latin. Accio = summon. 3. Wingardium Leviosa A charm that makes objects fly.  This one is a sort of pseudo-Latin.  Wing can simply be taken from the English word, and  levis is Latin for lightweight. Together, these words make sense in a charm that makes things fly. 4.  Expelliarmus A charm that disarms ones opponent.  Expello  means to banish and  arma is Latin for weapons. Expelliarmus = to banish weapons. 5.  Lumos A spell that creates light at the tip of the casters wand.  Lumen is simply Latin for light. Lumos = light. 6.  Alohomora A charm that opens locked objects. J.K Rowling claims that  alohomora is a West African word meaning friendly to thieves. It seems to make perfect sense, since what thieves wouldnt want a door unlocked? 7.  Avada Kedavra A curse that murders ones  opponent. Avada Kedavra  seems to actually be the Aramaic form of the infamous phrase abracadabra, meaning let the thing be destroyed. 8.  Sectumsempra A spell that inflicts slash wounds.  Sectus  is Latin for cut up and  semper is Latin for always. Sectumsempra = always cut up. 9.  Obliviate A charm that erases memories. From the Medieval Latin word  obliviscor, which means to forget, obliviate literally means forget. 10.  Riddikulus A spell used to defeat a Boggart. Riddikulus seems to be a made-up spelling of the Latin word  ridiculus, which means the same as  ridiculous in English. This in itself is derived from  rideo, which means to laugh at or to smile. 11.  Imperio A curse that allows the caster to control a person.  Imperio is Latin for command. As a curse giving total control over someone, it checks out. Imperio = command. 12.  Petrificus Totalus A curse that paralyzes ones opponent. The Greek  petros means rock or stone, and the Latin  facio means cause to happen. That coupled with the Medieval Latin  totalis or classical Latin  totus, both meaning whole or entire, leaves petrificus totalus meaning to cause the entire thing to turn to stone.   13.  Stupefy A spell that knocks out ones opponent.  Stupeo means to be stunned in Latin, and  fio is Latin for cause to happen. Stupefy = cause someone to be stunned. 14.  Crucio A curse that inflicts torturous  pain on ones opponent.  Crucio literally means torture in Latin. How easy is that? Crucio = torture. 15.  Incendio A spell that starts a fire.  Incendo is Latin for set fire to. Incendio = set fire to. 16.  Aguamenti A charm that shoots water from the tip of ones wand.  Aqua in Latin- or  agua in Spanish- means water, and  augmen  is Latin for  growth. Aguamenti = growing water. 17.  Expulso A charm that makes blocking objects explode.  Ex translates to away in Latin, and  pulso means I strike. Expulso = I strike things away. 18.  Protego A charm that causes a spell to reflect onto its caster. Another direct translation, the Latin word  protego means to cover or  to protect. In this case, it applies to the charms ability to protect the caster. Protego = protect. 19.  Reducto A spell that explodes solid objects.  Reducto means having been reduced in Latin. Contextually, it seems that this applies to the objects being reduced into their most basic form, i.e. they are exploded into much smaller pieces. 20.  Reparo A spell that repairs broken or damaged objects.  Reparo is Latin for restore or renew. Easy, right? Reparo = restore. Need a refresher about the previous books? Check out the Harry Potter novels summary, or read about each book in order: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Teachers:  Take a look at our Harry Potter lesson plan and teaching unit!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Term Paper Project Example

Term Paper Project Example Term Paper Project – Term Paper Example Contents Discussion: sources of theory Y 3 The administrative theory of organization 3 The Neo ical theory 3 Modern theories of organization 4Bureaucracy theory 4Impacts 4References 5Discussion: sources of theory YAccording to theory Y, employees become more productive when they exercise self-control and self-motivation. On the other hand, theory X states that employees should be properly supervised. This helps to prevent employees from using their positions to benefit themselves. Theory Y also states that work is as natural as playing. Employees have the ability to help in making problem-solving decisions, but the management under-uses their talent. Given the right, working conditions employees will develop self-direction and self-control. Theory y may be derived from many scientific sources which include:The administrative theory of organizationAccording to this theory, authority and responsibility should be observed at all times. A member of an organization also has a responsibili ty to accomplish the organization’s objectives of his position. For this to be achieved, appropriate sanctions to encourage good performance should be put in place.The Scientific theory of organizationFredrick Taylor laid down this theory. According to this Taylor, there should be a piece rate system of compensation. This encourages employees to work harder. According to this system, the employee gets motivated according to his output. According to this theory, motivation can also be inform of financial incentives (Miller, p 25).The Neo-classical theoryElton mayo laid down this theory. According to Elton, organizations should have a democratic and participative style of supervision. There should be a good communication system whereby employees are allowed to air their views in decision making and also in the laying down of strategies.Modern theories of organizationAccording to this theory, employees should be involved in decision making in the organization. There should also be a good communication channel in the organizationBureaucracy theoryMax Weber laid down this theory. This theory insists that there should be rationality in an organizational set-up. A rational organization is one which is free from malice, favoritism and personal caprice. Individuals should not use the organization to benefit themselves (Ringer, p220).ImpactsEmployees play a major role in the attainment of the organizations goals. Therefore, it is imperative to certify that they are well motivated in order to attain maximum productivity. Apart from maintaining good communication between the employees and the employers, there are other alternative ways of motivating them. An organization may choose to give come up with team building activities, bonuses or other financial incentives in order to ensure that the employees are motivated.ReferencesMiller, Katherine. Organizational communication: approaches and processes. Boston, Mass: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2012. document.Ringer, Fritz K. Max Weber an intellectual biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Missing ACT Score How to Check ACT Scores

Missing ACT Score How to Check ACT Scores SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There’s nothing quite like the white-knuckle feeling you get when you realize your ACT scores might be missing. You studied, you stressed, you planned, soit makes perfect sense to be feeling a little crazed with frustration. But before you lose yourself in missing-score panic, let mereassure you that in the vast majority of cases the problem is small and easily solved. In this article, I'll explain what to do whether you are having trouble finding your scores yourself, or whether it's your target college that seems to have lost the score report from your application. I'll go through some probable – and improbable – reasons for your missing score, and describehow to fix each one. How to Check Your ACT Scores Before diving into what to do about missing scores, let's start with a quick refresher about where your scores can normally be found. Score reports areposted toyour onlineACT student account–usuallywithin 2 to 8 weeks after yourtest date. For a super detailed, step-by-step guide for how to navigate this online tool, check out our guide to getting your ACT scores. Now, if you've tried that to no avail, let's explore some reasons why you might be having trouble. What to Do If You Can't Find Your Scores Scores don't show up on the ACT website for a variety of reasons, so let's go through them one by one. Are Your Scores Not Ready Yet? If you're checking 2 weeks after your test date and still don't see your scores, you should know that ACT is working as hard as it can to get your scores to you. The scoring process can take up to 8 weeks, but you should check your ACT student accountevery Wednesday and Friday to see whether your score has been posted. An ACT score is like a boiling egg - open it too early and it's just a runny mess. If it's been 8 weeks since you took the test, your scores might be taking longer because of a very solvable answer sheetissue.Sometimes, your answer sheet might have arrived late from your test center. Most often the problem is that the "Matching Information" you provided on the answer document isn't exactly the same as the Matching Information on your admission ticket, or maybe some of that information is missing. Don't feel bad if you made this mistake – it happens to 8-10% of students. The last possibility is that you still owe registration fees to ACT. If this is the case, try to get the money to them as soon as you can. Once the delaying situation is resolved, scores start coming outtwice weekly, on Wednesday and Friday. Did You Take the ACT With Writing? Thewriting section of the ACT takes longer to score than the multiple choicesection.Even if your multiple choice scores have been posted but your writing score hasn't, itdoesn’t mean that your writing score ismissing. It willbe posted as soon as itis available –usually about 2 weeks after yourmultiple choice scores are. Did You Take the ACT at an Alternative Testing Site? The process of posting scores online is different if you took the ACT throughState and District, School or DANTES Testing. Your scores won't be onlineuntil after you've gotten a score report in the mail. Wait until you get a letter from ACT, and then log in to your ACT account to see your scores posted. If you took the ACT outside the US or Canada, it'lltake an extra 1 to 2 weeks to process and post your scores online. Did Something Unusual Happen at Your Test Center? Do you remember there beingany distractions or odd goings-on at your test center? Scores can be delayed because of these kinds of irregularities. For example, ifyour test was rescheduled or the testing center was closed because of badweather,scores from the rescheduled test will come out later than scoresfor the originaltest date. Also, if you or someone else complained about something that happened during testing or at the test site, ACT has to look into this. No scores will come out until their investigation is resolved. Well, there was that one kid sitting in a corner of the ceiling... didsomeone complain about him? (Image: Rob Sheridan/Flickr) Are Your Scores From a Long Time Ago? If you are out of high school and your scores are from more than a year ago, they are now in the ACT archives. There are several ways to get them, each with its own associated fees. If you think you tested sometime afterSeptember 2013, fill out the onlinescore report inquiry form. If you took the test between 1966 and 2013, you can get your scores in a number of ways: Request your scores online by creating anACT Web account Senda letter of request to ACT Student Services - Score Reports, PO Box 451, Iowa City, IA 52243-0451 Call (319) 337-1270 Don't worry if you can'tremember your exact test date: if you can remember your approximate test year, ACT can check a range of years in their records for you. If you took the ACT in the original hieroglyphics format, you might have to contact ancient Egypt for your scores. What to Do If Your College Is Missing Your Scores Sure, it's stressful when you can't seem to get your hands on your ACT scores. But it's a whole different level of alarm when your target college is telling you thattheycan't find your scores. If you've been notified that your score report hasn't been received, here are theoptions you should investigate. Did You Use the Correct ACT College Code? A college only receives your score report when you list itscorrect ACT College Code on your score request. If you chose to use the 4 free reports you got with ACT registration, check the college codes you listed by looking atyour copy of the score report. If you ordered scores from the ACT website, go online and check the college codes you entered there. If you made a college codemistake, you can call or email the admissions office at your targetcollege and provide them with your name and ACT ID. Are Your Scores Missing From Your College Application? During application season, a college's admissions office is a whirlwind of files, documents, and electronic records. Because of this sort of chaos, sometimes when thecollege says that your score report ismissing, this "missing" document simply hasn't been processed and logged yet. Sorting your scores into your application file can take as long as a week! To see whether this is the case, feel free to call the admissions office to calmly and respectfully ask them to double check whether your scores are actually already there. I recommend waiting 3 weeks after sending your scores before you call. Your college might also be receiving ACT scores on a slightly different schedule. Each college chooses how often to download score reports. Some do it as infrequently as once every 2 weeks! All that being said, it's true that sometimes things do go missing or get misfiled. If the college can’t find your scores, don't freak out. Instead, as quickly as you can,resend your scoresso you can still get them in as close to the application deadline as possible. Pro tip: Don’t simply send a copy of your score report to the college!Colleges will only accept score reports sent directly to them from ACT, so your copy won't count as a score submission. Your copied ACT reports are like this Olaf: adorable, but not real. Sometimes Disaster Strikes, But Don't Panic! Sometimes the world just spins a little bit off its axis. Every now and again ACT answer sheets just up and disappear seemingly into the vacuum of space. This is a good time to seek guidance from your school counselor, and to be aware that in these cases, a reasonable and equitable solution (sometimes helped along by some press coverage) is sure to follow. For example, ACTs were lostin at least two places on the June 13 test date. In Kings Park, NY, 61 tests vanished from Kings Park High School despite the test being administered by the ACT itself.Similarly, atWinter Park High School in Orlando, Florida, 50 ACT examsgot lost in the mail and remain missing.ACT has given all the students an offer to retake the test for free. Black holes consume light, energy, and, of course, random ACT answer sheets. What’s Next? If you’re planning to retake the test, read our advice on figuring out your best test datesand best testing locations. Wondering how your ACT scores measure up? We break down good scores, bad scores, and how to figure out your own target score. Want to learn how to boost your ACT scores? Check out our guides on getting a 36 on each of the ACT sections: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. Disappointed with your ACT scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 23

Education - Essay Example All this can be attributed to the grade inflation taking place in the countrys education system where students are credited with honours they do not deserve if the standard grading system was to be used. For example, according to a study done in1993, more students received grade A, while fewer students received grade B (Alfie, 2002). This was in comparison to the grading of graduates from the year 1969 and 1976. Does this mean that students graduating in1993 studied harder than those students of 1969 and 1976? This is not the case. This simply shows the diminishing quality of education over the years in the United States of America. This paper will examine the report of the committee on raising standards by establishing the fact that indeed grade inflation is present in the United States Education System It is evident that there is an increase in students grades while there is lacking a corresponding shift on achievement. However, the main issues concerning motivation and grading are being ignored or obscured. One major issue that contributes to grade inflation is the fact that substantiating such claims has been difficult. This is because reports revealing grade inflation are often self-reports, which are rendered unreliable by the government and stakeholders in the education sector. For example, in the study done to study the grades in 1993 and those in 1969 and 1976, the survey did not substantiate the grades that were gotten in 1969 and 1976, thus they cannot be compared to establish the true facts (Alfie 2002). However, other researches done have been used by the government and stakeholders to show the â€Å"accurate† scenario with regard to grade inflation. Clifford Adelman conducted such a study where, he compared over 3000 transcripts (Alfie 2002). According to this research, grades had actually dropped in the past two decades. The main question here is

Friday, October 18, 2019

How to Expand and Improve the Market of Preschool Education and Adult Research Paper

How to Expand and Improve the Market of Preschool Education and Adult Education - Research Paper Example The paper tells that preschool education focuses on taking care of kids on behalf of their parents and teaching them the simplified basic education. These kids, apart from learning, will be fed and cleaned in these schools. Adult education entails providing knowledge to people of over eighteen years old and with low education level. These people are taught how to write, read and do a simple calculation. They can also be educated on various topics regarding life such as health, hygiene, and agriculture and drug abuse. A successful adult education system requires a properly planned, well organized and working program. Preschool and adult education is a new business opportunity in the modern world and should be exploited. Currently, this system of preschool and adult education has already seen some success in different parts of the world. However, this sector needs to be expanded and improved remarkably. The expansion can include setting up the fully equipped school with buildings and a ll the facilities as well as enough staff to carry out all the activities of the institution. The idea is to come up with an institution that will cater for both children and adult classes simultaneously. The institutions can be combined or built separately depending on the available land. These institutions will offer both education and other services such as a provision of meals and drinks to the students. The future prospect of these institutions is very promising because everyone in the current world is yearning for knowledge. To the young career mothers, it is an excellent opportunity as they can get adequate time to attend to their jobs without having to worry about a nanny. The increasing number of career women has led to an even earlier age introduction of kids in preschool education at a very tender age of fewer than 3 years old. The older people who have less education are also so ready to embrace these services so that they are not left behind in the fast transforming wor ld.

Supporting new business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Supporting new business - Essay Example Identification of your competitors - Is there any product, similar to your product, available in the market If yes, how different would be your product from them Why will they buy your product when they are using pre-existing products To answer your potential customers, you will have to perform a gap analysis between your product and those available in the market and highlight the key features of your product that will be beneficial to them. In nut shell, prepare plans for beating the competition. Identification of sales channel for the product - Are you planning for direct sale Are you planning to sale it through the dealers or online on the internet How will the product be delivered to the customers Estimation of the underlying infrastructure needed to support your business - What kind of machinery will be required for the production How many people will be needed to manufacture your product Do you require human resources for any other function of the business One needs money to start a business and to run every function of the business. Where will the required financial support come from You need to assess your financial capacity against what your business needs and fill this gap by arranging for the additional money. Identification of the source of funding - Do you have enough money to support your business If not, who will... Correct estimation of sales and market potential for your product will help you in making a realistic financial plan than simply relying on assumptions. Business Plan: Inputs from market research will enable you making of systematic business plan. Through business plan, entrepreneur will focus on strategies for running the business. Some of the key tasks of a business plan are: Identify the location of the business - How big should be the premises Will it be easily accessible by the targeted customers Is it affordable Identification of sales channel for the product - Are you planning for direct sale Are you planning to sale it through the dealers or online on the internet How will the product be delivered to the customers Estimation of the underlying infrastructure needed to support your business - What kind of machinery will be required for the production How many people will be needed to manufacture your product Do you require human resources for any other function of the business Identification of sales and promotion strategy - How will you promote your products in the market How will you make targeted customers aware of your product Analysis of the possible risk/threats to the new business - Identify, in what ways your business may fail Think about the mitigation plans to tackle those failure modes Financial Investment and Planning: One needs money to start a business and to run every function of the business. Where will the required financial support come from You need to assess your financial capacity against what your business needs and fill this gap by arranging for the additional money. Financial planning refers to: Identification of the source of funding - Do you have enough money to support your business If not,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 17

Marketing - Essay Example WD Electrical Appliances Co. Ltd. was built in 1999, locating in Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, which is called the hometown of small household appliances. It is a company of manufacturing small household appliances integrating R&D, production and marketing. The main products are electric kettles, coffee pots and electric steamers, with the annual output of 2 million units of small appliances. WD owns its self-operation export and import rights and the products passed GS/CE Authenticate of TUV and were exported to countries and districts such as Europe, Middle East and Australia. The company covers 8,500 square meters and over 170 employees, including 55 managers. It manufactures as per the order and mainly as the OEM. The annual production value and sales in 2002 was USD 3.47 million, about CNY 28.73 million. The entry barrier for the electric kettle is rather low because the universal production equipment (injection model) can be widely applied in producing kinds of household appliances with injection molding. It can be switched easily with low cost. The mold manufacturing is the main restriction. The cost of a set of mold of the kettle is about CNY 0.8 – 2 million, which is not too much for investors; the economical efficiency of scale is not obvious and can be operated on small scale; with low technique and fewer components, the technical difficulty is mainly achieving the appropriate temperature controller and connecting pieces design according to the aesthetic appeal; customers are particularly sensible to the style and quality, so if the manufacturer can design a popular style, it is not difficult for them to receive orders and marketing channels by means of product development and exhibition. Therefore, the channel is not the problem. As the competition enters a new stage, price competition is not the only

Federal Contracting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Federal Contracting - Term Paper Example From this paper, it is clear that FedBizOpps is a very valuable resource that offers detailed information on how and when vendors should respond to all federal contract solicitations worthy $25000 or more (Longley, N.d). US General Services Administration (GSA) establishes and administers the largest government-wide contracts with the government agencies ordering goods and services directly from the GSA schedule contractors. Municipalities, counties, states and federal agencies have huge needs which can be fulfilled by our company thus it paramount to remain vigilant of the government contracts whether they are advertised in the daily newspapers or websites such as FedBizOpps or each arm of a government website. In conclusion, before presenting any bid it is important that your company do the following in order to enhance its competitiveness in the bidding process. First the company should do an extensive research about the agency; secondly, analyze your competition well to know what they are likely to offer.For our company, upon extensive research on government websites, the following contract is very suitable for our bidding. Based on our research, we have several competitors for this type of contracts from the government but the leading among our competitor is OWL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC located in Ridgefield, CT, USA. This company was awarded 29 contracts worthy $ 1752k between 2005 and 2008 (OnBid, 2009). Our competitor analysis will focus on this company as indicated below.... Global IT & Office Solutions Ltd is based in Erie, PA and was founded in 1997 to offer computer and office equipments repair and maintenance services to our esteemed customers who range from individuals, institutions, government agencies and multinational corporations. We service all models and makes of computers and office equipments. Our strength is based on keeping up-to-date with technological advancements; highly trained, experienced and updated staff; and keeping the needs of our clients first through effective management of our resources. Mission: our goal is to offer high quality services to our clients to ensure complete solution and satisfaction of every business through friendly and knowledgeable service and support. Our hope is that you will feel confident in our ability to meet your expectations and know that our customers are always our number one focus. Scenario 2 Competitor analysis is a crucial part of strategic planning as it helps the management to compare it compe titive advantages with that of competitors; understand competitors’ future strategies; develop strategies for future competitive advantage; and forecast possible future returns on investments. Based on our research, we have several competitors for this type of contracts from the government but the leading among our competitor is OWL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC located in Ridgefield, CT, USA. This company was awarded 29 contracts worthy $ 1752k between 2005 and 2008 (OnBid, 2009). Our competitor analysis will focus on this company as indicated below. OWL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC Market Share Around 5 percent based on the available industry statistics and business turnover Major Customers National bureau of statistics and two multinational companies. What do their customers

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 17

Marketing - Essay Example WD Electrical Appliances Co. Ltd. was built in 1999, locating in Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, which is called the hometown of small household appliances. It is a company of manufacturing small household appliances integrating R&D, production and marketing. The main products are electric kettles, coffee pots and electric steamers, with the annual output of 2 million units of small appliances. WD owns its self-operation export and import rights and the products passed GS/CE Authenticate of TUV and were exported to countries and districts such as Europe, Middle East and Australia. The company covers 8,500 square meters and over 170 employees, including 55 managers. It manufactures as per the order and mainly as the OEM. The annual production value and sales in 2002 was USD 3.47 million, about CNY 28.73 million. The entry barrier for the electric kettle is rather low because the universal production equipment (injection model) can be widely applied in producing kinds of household appliances with injection molding. It can be switched easily with low cost. The mold manufacturing is the main restriction. The cost of a set of mold of the kettle is about CNY 0.8 – 2 million, which is not too much for investors; the economical efficiency of scale is not obvious and can be operated on small scale; with low technique and fewer components, the technical difficulty is mainly achieving the appropriate temperature controller and connecting pieces design according to the aesthetic appeal; customers are particularly sensible to the style and quality, so if the manufacturer can design a popular style, it is not difficult for them to receive orders and marketing channels by means of product development and exhibition. Therefore, the channel is not the problem. As the competition enters a new stage, price competition is not the only

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Qualitative Nursing Research Report Analysis Essay

Qualitative Nursing Research Report Analysis - Essay Example However there has to be a methodology to integrate the practice of advocacy as integral part of the nursing curriculum. Moreover there is greater need for institutional support in practicing advocacy. Nurse's role of advocacy is as old as scientific nursing profession. Florence Nightingale advocated for the victims of Crimean war by insisting on the need for clean patient care environment. Advocacy was also obvious in the efforts of Clara Barton and other nurses during the American Civil War (Rogge, 1987). In the 70s the zealots in human rights movements took special note of the need for fighting for the rights of the patients. Nurse's perspective as one of the most important stake holders in health care, has a better role to play in this. The military model of health care with its language of loyalty and obedience primarily to the physicians and the legal model, where the focus is on the right of the patient, are the two models described in the nursing literature now. The complete patient centered healthcare is possible only with the realization of the unique identity of a nurse. The realization of the absence of thrust for advocacy in the nursing education should not deter the nurse from practicing it as has been done in the practice of military nursing in recent wars. The military tradition of nursing focused on loyalty and obedience to the physician. ... 33). This tradition of nurse started losing its popularity with the patient's rights movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Advocacy as a cardinal role for nurses was formalized during the 1970s when terms such as "loyal obedience" and "obeying physicians' orders" disappeared from the literature of the International Council of Nurses (International Council of Nurses, 1973) and the American Nurses Association. Nursing from then onwards took a new direction centered on the advocacy of the rights of patients as the important aspect of nursing practice. Empirical Research Segesten (1993) found that advocacy situations sprang from the helplessness of the patients. Millette (1993) highlighted the need for choosing the client advocacy model faced with choices like bureaucratic advocacy and physician advocacy. Snowball (1996) interviewed nurses concerning advocacy in their practice. She found that the important aspects leading to advocacy included nurses and patients sharing a common humanity and the cultural milieu being one of care. Snowball concluded that a therapeutic relationship was fundamental to advocacy. Conclusions drawn from the literature are that advocacy was initially included into nursing practice at the time when nurses developed a sense of service more for their patients than for physicians. Little empirical knowledge has been produced on the concept of nursing advocacy even though nurses consider advocacy to be central to their career. It is an anomaly that the empirical articles concerning advocacy contain no mention of how advocacy is inculcated or how advocacy is learned. Thus, the purpose of this study is to describe how nurses learn the skill of advocating for patients. Study Design A Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenological approach was

Monday, October 14, 2019

Significance of the study Essay Example for Free

Significance of the study Essay Using a help desk management software leads to the increase in efficiency in operation as it allows for the solution of some of the redundant issues over call. This has the effect of reducing traveling costs and man-hour billing to field engineers as they go to customer sites. Research Question The purpose of this research is to determine whether purchasing COTS or building a service desk tracking application is best for the automation and tracking of the GovComm, Inc. Engineering Support Services’ Helpdesk. To answer this question, this research must explore: ? The entities of GovComm, Inc. Engineering Support Services’ Helpdesk ? Based on advantages and disadvantages, which qualities of each configuration best adhere to Engineering Support Services automation and asset tracking; ? If these applications fulfill stakeholders requirements Design and Methodology This research is qualitative, drawing mostly from a review of the literature on the subject of Helpdesk/support desk tracking applications and the battle of building versus buying to determine which application structure provides efficient asset tracking, failure notification, and metrics collection. GovComm, Inc.’s Engineering Support Services will be reviewed to discover details that might affect the factors that will contribute to the decision of choosing build or buy. From the review of the internal workings of GovComm, Inc. ’s Engineering Support Services a decision will be made upon comparison with the inherent nature of the two systems of implementation. Chapter 2 Literature Review Automated office systems support (AOSS) is a model made up of teams of technicians in computer who are charged with the responsibility of providing a variety of support activities in a desktop computer environment and area networks for any organization. To ensure the provision of high quality services and products, each of these teams must follow the processes, standard and procedures. A process referred to as quality assurances is used in monitoring and evaluation of the level of adherence to the procedures processes and standard in a bid to determine the potential quality that the product will attain. Therefore, QA involves review and audit of the services and activities as a means of verification of their compliance with the relevant procedures and standards so as to assure the appropriate results are seen. The question of whether to buy or build an AOSS is one of the very complex decisions that an organization has to deal with in its daily activities. It is in deed a perpetual dilemma for the organizations that are contemplating on automating their office activities. Buying implies purchasing an off-shelf Automated office systems support that are produced in mass by some software company, more often multinationals (Leopoldo, 1999). The products typically contain contents that are not unique to a particular organizations or user population needs. Moreover, it is the general trend in the software industry to create new softwares that do no conflict with the existing and thus the technology can be implemented without conflict with the existing systems. Build imply the creation of Automated office systems support from scratch (Leopoldo, 1999). Therefore, the process of building requires the determination of the organizational needs, the data and information nature and needs of the organization, design of the system an the actual implementation of the system. The process of building may and often include testing the end product to ensure that its functionality are as per the objectives that acted as the basis for its formulation (Leopoldo, 1999). A decision to buy or build a Automated office systems support may seem to be complex but in reality it can be reduced to three considerations: Resources, Needs and uniqueness. The organization must clearly determine its needs and wants before a decision is made, this may involve identification of features which are critical in meeting the organizations needs. In determination of the organizational needs they must consider the following:? Organizational objectives ? Skills ? Information needs ? Culture ? Corporate direction. Meeting all the needs is an impossible event and therefore setting priorities is inevitable. Resources Resource as a factor is one that many organizations and individual would quickly jump at an opportunity to ignore. However, examination of resources is a very important aspect to the development agenda. Moreover, many organizations make the mistake of viewing resource in the monetary dimension only. Although money as a resource is quite critical, two other pieces; time and personnel, need to be considered to complete the puzzle (Shrapre, 1999). Time When taken in the context of either building or buying a Automated office systems support, time takes the following into account: ? The time that will taken in decision making. ? The developmental time of the Automated office systems support including the time taken in testing. ? The time taken in rolling out the Automated office systems support or implement it within the organization. Analysis of organizations against the three time variables helps in the determination of the importance of time in deciding whether to buy or build.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Similarities Between Mitochondria And Bacteria Biology Essay

Similarities Between Mitochondria And Bacteria Biology Essay Bacteria are believed to be among the oldest cells on Earth, fossils indicate bacteria-like organisms were around almost 3.5 billion years ago. They are unicellular micro-organisms that lack a membrane bound nucleus and contain no organelles. Many people consider them to be the cause of many diseases, which they are, but the human body contains trillions of bacteria, aiding processes such as digestion and growth. Mitochondria on the other hand are organelles found in the majority of eukaryotic cells, they produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). What could these organelles found in eukaryotes have in common with bacteria, which are prokaryotes? Hopefully this essay will address that question and attempt to answer it. To achieve this in the first section of this essay I will consider the structural similarities between them both. I will then go on to compare the functional similarities in the second section of this essay which will then be followed by a section outl ining and explaining the endosymbiotic theory which should help to clarify the previous sections. Finally I will summarise the similarities between mitochondria and bacteria and the causes of these similarities and the validity of the theory explaining them. Structure At first glance bacteria and mitochondria look to have a very different internal structure and can also have a radically different external shape, but inside they do share some similarities. The internal structure of bacteria is very simple, it contains no membrane bound organelles, but instead it contains a nucleoid which is the central part of the cell and it is where the DNA is generally confined to. Ribosomes are present in the cytoplasm of the bacteria as well as storage granules. All bacteria have a plasma membrane, most also have a cell wall and while some have a capsule, others do not (1). Some bacteria also have flagella which are tiny whip-like structures often located at one end of the cell. Although they vary in size greatly, common bacteria such as Escherichia coli are about 2ÃŽ ¼m in length, when comparing this to mitochondria they are very similar in length but like bacteria, the shapes and sizes of mitochondria vary significantly depending on what species or cell they are found in (2). Mitochondria are located in the cytoplasm of both animal and plant cells; they are cylindrical structures that consist of an outer membrane, inner membrane and matrix. Like bacteria, mitochondria also have their own circular DNA genome which is separate from the nucleus of the cell which is located in the matrix. The membrane of the mitochondria is also very similar to the membrane found around the bacteria; it is double layered and is made up from lipids, just like a prokaryotes membrane. This is interesting as it shows no similarities with a eukaryotic cells cytoplasm, but instead it is very similar to the composition of a bacterial membrane. The inner folds of the mitochondrial membrane, cristae, are very similar to mesosomes found in bacteria. Mitochondria also contain ribosomes similar to those found in bacteria; this will be explained further in the next section. Function The main function of bacteria, like any organism, is to reproduce, and while mitochondrias main function is to produce energy in the form of ATP it also needs to reproduce. Mitochondria are formed by a process very similar to binary fission, the method by which bacteria divide. When a bacterium reaches a certain size, it splits down the middle to create two organisms. In a mitochondrion the nucleus signals the cell to produce more organelles, but only the mitochondria actually replicate themselves while other organelles have to be made up from substances present within the cell. There is an electron transport chain found in both the plasma membrane around a prokaryote as well as in the membrane around the mitochondria but it is absent in membrane of eukaryotic cells. Proteins are required in a cell to perform all functions and all synthesis of these proteins takes place in ribosome; these ribosomes are present throughout the cell but mitochondria have their own ribosomes to produce the proteins they need. Chemical and microscopic analysis shows how the structures of mitochondrial and bacterial ribosomes share more similarities with each other than with ribosomes in eukaryotic cells. Ribosomes found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are 80S in size while ribosomes found in bacteria and mitochondria are 70S in size (3). One experiment carried out by Margulis showed that the protein synthesis of both mitochondria and bacteria are sensitive to erythromycin and chloramphenicol and insensitive to cyclohexamide and emetine whilst cytoribosomal protein synthesis is insensitive to erythromycin and chloramphenicol and is usually sensitive to cyclohexamide and emetine, suggesting that mitochondrial ribosomes are different from those found in the cytoplas m of eukaryotic cells, and are similar to those found in bacteria. This experiment among other structural and functional similarities lead to Margulis to formulate the theory of endosymbiosis. Endosymbiosis The theory of endosymbiosis had been around before the evidence published by Lynn Margulis, but it was her work that made it a widely accepted theory among biologists. Included in her hypothesis was the thought that mitochondria are the result of endocytosis of aerobic bacteria. This would explain the similarities between mitochondria and bacteria, and why mitochondria differ from what would be expected from a typical eukaryotic organelle. The theory purposes that a proto-eukaryotic cell ingested an aerobic bacterium but it failed to digest it. The aerobic cell then thrived due to the cells cytoplasm being full of partially digested food molecules, and some of the ATP may have leaked into the cells cytoplasm. This occurred around a time where the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere was increasing and aerobic respiration was advantageous to survive (3). An increase in ATP must have caused a growth advantage to the proto-eukaryote, enabling it to dominate over other cells that la cked cell walls and endosymbionts. The endosymbiont, originally the aerobic bacterium, eventually became dependent on the host for both protection and nutrients, meaning there was little need for genes involved in these processes. On the other hand, due to the endosymbiont only being permitted to remain if it continued to capture and store energy, there was a strong selective pressure to retain the genes involved in energy capture and storage. Eventually genes whose products were of no use to the host eroded and were ultimately lost. Finally as the genome reduction continued, the endosymbiont evolved into an energy-providing organelle. However, some more recent research suggests that the endosymbiont may have been an anaerobic bacterium with a fermentative metabolism (4). The bacterium that was originally engulfed is believed to have evolved into a mitochondrion that enabled the evolution of larger organisms. The endosymbiotic theory is well supported, although there are many different variations of it there is strong evidence that suggests mitochondria did originate from bacteria. The similarities in the previous sections are all evidence pointing towards endosymbiosis and this theory explains why bacteria and mitochondria have much in common, and why the mitochondrias function and structure often defies what would be expected from a eukaryotic organelle. Conclusion The similarities between bacteria and mitochondria are easy to see despite belonging to different domains. When a mitochondrion is looked at in detail there are obvious differences to a eukaryotic cell and other organelles present in the eukaryotic cytoplasm, the biggest of these is perhaps the presence of mitochondrial DNA, but there are similarities in many other aspects of a mitochondrion. Their primary functions may be different but bacteria and mitochondria still share process such as binary fission. All this evidence leads to the endosymbiotic theory which offers an explanation for these similarities, although many parts of it are still being debated. This theory allows us to understand how single cell organisms developed into the vast array of complex organisms that are present 3.5 billion years after the first bacteria are thought to have existed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rush Limbaugh :: Controversy Political Limbaugh Essays

Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh has shaped himself, intentionally or not, into quite a controversial political entertainer. The mere subject of what he speaks on creates an obvious divide in the politically interested population. The subjects of his radio show, his newsletter, and formerly his TV show, can be labeled as political interests. That is, absolutely anything the federal government, as a political entity, involves itself and/or the country in. For the most part though, Rush would likely say to this last statement that the government and the country (the people) are virtually on in the same; one body works for the other. But back to the question at hand—why do people like or dislike Rush Limbaugh and what has brought on this phenomenon? I will openly admit that I am a dittohead. A dittohead is a name created for those people who agree with Limbaugh on the majority of his general premises. So I can give personal reasons for liking Rush. But I am absolutely positive that I am not alone—thus creating the plural word, dittoheadS. One reason people enjoy listening to his analysis of political affairs I she has a great sense of humor when speaking about whatever the subject may be. It is easy to sit at a microphone and read off the news, and/or opinions you may have about it. But if he did only that, he would not have nearly the listening pool or lake or ocean, if you will, that he currently has because he would be just like every other reporting figure. He is an entertainer and realizes that fact. A few examples of his humor on political issues, or as in the immediately following, his humor of the general basis of what he believes the rules his opponents, liberals, live by: The 14 Commandments of the Religious Left. A few examples (just so you can get a taste of what I am talking about) are: 1. Thou shalt have not other God except thyself; after all, it’s thy self-esteem that counts. If thou doth not love thyself, who will? 6. Thou shalt not kill. With these exceptions: life forms under the second trimester, ad those opting for medically assisted suicides. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Unless thou aspirest to high political office, useth

Friday, October 11, 2019

Challenges Facing the Graduate Student Essay

The many challenges that face the potential graduate students may inhibit them from taking that first step to enrolling in graduate school. This paper will focus on personal challenges for this writer and strategies she will use to overcome them. Some challenges for this writer are working full-time, being financially responsible for others while maintaining a mortgage and family responsibilities. Time management and a novice regarding some computer programs also provide other challenges. Many obstacles have to be conquered in an effort to ensure success. Hardin (2008) contends these barriers often put her at a greater risk for being unsuccessful. The purpose for this writer entering graduate study is the hope of expanding her career opportunities to include teaching at the undergraduate level. Her motivation to return to school was two-fold. A divorce and a lengthy recovery following a work-related injury within a year inspired thoughts of facing the future being financially independent and wondering if the recovery would be without limitations to allow a return to bedside nursing. These life changes prompted soul searching and re-motivated this writer to pursue a graduate degree, a goal that had been set several years prior. As a graduate student this writer faces the challenges encompassed with being an adult. Over the past 30 years, there has been an escalation of students, primarily women, entering graduate study. According to Hardin (2008) the motivation for many women to return to school is usually centered on a major life change. These women usually return to college in an effort to support their families. Balancing commitments, such as work, life, school and other responsibilities create a stressor to the student and pose even more challenges. As the sole provider for two children and responsible for other financial costs that entail, this writer works full-time on the nightshift. Traditionally compensation on nightshift is more than traditional work schedules. Although financially this helps alleviate one stress for this writer, another stress is created, lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation, fatigue and sleepiness negatively affect function that often results in decreased productivity (Mulgrew, 2007). This writer believes working nightshift and facing the sleeping challenge poses a potential barrier to success. Based on 2004 statistics, approximately 15% of Americans work nontraditional work schedules (Chung, Wolf, Shapiro, 2009). Adan and Natale (2002) also found that the relationship between gender and shift work support the thought women are more morning types, preferring to retire to sleep earlier and rise sooner, which results in optimal mental performance. This writer believes this to be true of her. In an effort to meet the challenge of time management, she will keep an accurate calendar and prioritize all appointments, work schedule, and other commitments. Blocking out hours of the day to focus on schoolwork as well as ensuring enough sleep while pursuing personal goals such as exercise should encourage quality work. Procrastination is time’s enemy. A few minutes of effective planning will save time in the end. This involves a continual assessment and reassessment of priorities and activities (Spidal, 2009). Financial stressors also affect the graduate student. Hardin (2008) found lack of financial support may actually prevent an adult from enrolling in graduate school. The adult student often differs from the traditional student as her financial needs often include a mortgage and childcare. Working nightshift helps alleviate the financial deficit for this writer as nightshift pays a differential. Many nurses, including myself, will work extra shifts to offset the financial burden. Attending classes may inhibit the overtime opportunity, therefore smaller paychecks add to the existing financial load. A graduate student has to weigh the benefits of an education when after graduation her financial debt will increase (Morgenthaler, 2009). In an effort to minimize the loan amount, this writer researched loans and scholarships. She consulted her employer and found there were a few scholarships available in addition to education reimbursement. The scholarship amounts are monetarily limited. Some also require a commitment to continuing employment for a set number of years per scholarship. Despite these caveats, any amount of money is helpful to decrease the debt as well as ensuring longer employment. Another challenge facing this writer is she has never used PowerPoint in any arena. This may lead to a feeling of inadequacy. To neutralize this deficit she will ensure access to the latest computer programs for her papers, research, or presentation. Ultimately the amount of effort put forth by this writer to achieve desired educational results will depend on her overall motivation and dedication to her goal. Hardin (2008) has found that most graduate students are not prepared academically. This is associated to being away from the academic setting for a prolonged amount of time. Technological skills may be outdated or she may not understand the new computer programs. Conducting research and writing papers at a professional level may also be intimidating to the graduate student (Morgenthaler, 2009). Many challenges face this nontraditional graduate student as she returns to school. Although there are significant obstacles, this writer is optimistic about overcoming these obstacles by using the aforementioned strategies as she successfully completes graduate school.